My buddy Human Head had a beautiful little girl. He has some great pictures up of the baby. You should visit. By the way, how can a mofo who wears a chin-strap beard (ala Kevin Love) have such a beautiful babies? Wait, for those of you who have met Mrs. Head you know where the looks come from.
I’ve been invited by some very cool people to a lot of their events.
1. The Boat 2. Dinner with Dr. Pauly in NYC 3. Okie Vegas 4. Eh-Vegas 5. Florida
I can’t make all these events but I do get invited and I’m touched for the invites.
Heck, The Rooster even gets invited every week to the Wall Street game. The Rooster even puts money in the tip jar and I see a lot of people that don’t. That is just how this A-Lister keeps his role...and although I don’t call many B-Listers out for their lack of table manners...I am here. If a cool Dude hosts a game you should pitch in a bit for him to get sodas and such. I digress.
Sure The Rooster got invited by Al to two of the above events. You know, Al, he who likes rooting for the Mob owned team of Chelsea. In any case, The Rooster attends these events because they are fun. Not to mention, it is bad taste for an A-Lister such as me to skip on a B-Lister events. It kind of keeps my status up there; you know, like some of you play basketball against short people when you’re 6’5. Did I mention taking shots with Al and Big Mike is fun. What about the third part of the three amigos, Louie-Louie warm up drinks...his warm-up consists of a Shot of tequila followed by an Irish Car Bomb followed by chugging a Harp. I've seen it done in the flesh...all within a few seconds. Classic!
I was a bit in shock to read that people were hating on an A-Lister such as myself for getting invited to all these events and they were not (well come to think of it I’m not surprised, next blogger event I will be wearing the shirt that reads he/she hate me!). Look I can’t help it if The Rooster is liked and good at poker. The Rooster can’t help it if he’s an A-Lister. Do you blame Jordan for getting all those fouls called in his favor because he was a great player? No it is not fair, but it is what comes with being at the top of the pecking order.
Also, The Rooster has seen the term A-Lister Blogger being thrown around a lot. Make note people, this all came from Jordan at High on Poker’s article a few years ago, but it was The Rooster who took A-Lister blogging status to a new level. Why? Well because that is what an A-Lister does.
Al and a few people called me a self-appointed A-Lister...there might be some truth to that. But there is no denying that we are all friends here and if you get to know me you will probably get my status as an A-Lister. My email works if you want to email me but please don’t email me wanting me to link your site. Serious, The Rooster gets about 100 of those daily from B-Listers. Bam-Bam...cut back on the emails for you are close, but just a bit not up to snuff as of yet. B-Lister for life???? I don’t know, I’ve seen Bobby Bracelet lurk in that status forever.
In closing, J.C. didn’t ask to be J.C. it was earned by doing cool things like walking on water. Now I’m not saying that The Rooster should be mentioned in the same breath as J.C. but it has been done. See...that is just how this A-Lister roles.
I have a long post to put up for Doctor Chako now that he is back from the war. I will have to re-read and edit it a bit because it touches on some sensitive topics and I had to actually think about a post for that one.
But the good news for everyone in bloggerville is that everyone's favorite B-Lister is back from the war. Thus, go over and wish Doctor Chako a welcome back to the states.
Yet, and I say this with much sadness...Doctor Chacko's father passed away upon his return. We here in bloggerville are kind of like a family so I'm not sure how much space Doctor Chako is going to need before he starts to blog again. Yet, I do hope you know you and your family are in our positive thoughts, Chako.
I know that cards and life have a few bad beats in there. Yet, and I say this with a bit of hesitation for I don't want to jinx myself, but I run well in the luck department. Sure there are some rough patches but who doesn't have those.
Oh, so where I was going with this? Oh, I was wondering which blogger has the worst luck? These are my three top candidates:
So many new bloggers and I keep trying to remind everyone of the old school bloggers. It is like BG always telling me that the rappers of today are far better than the rappers of the 80's. Or StB telling me that post-communist are much better that old school communist. In the end, the rappers of today are standing on the shoulders of Cool Moe D, Whodini, Grand Master Flash and such. That also goes with communist of today, they are still standing on the shoulders of communists from the past.
In any case, I thought that you all should go visit one of my favorite Los Angeles B-Listers out there. If you don't know The Cards Speak - Mr. HDouble then go visit his blog and see what he's doing over in Dublin for Full-Tilt Poker and the blogging community.
Also, this guy and Iggy-Cakes wrote a book together on getting to know poker tracker which you should pick-up if possible. Also, go read what HDouble use to write...good stuff in there and it will for sure improve your game. No, I'm not shilling and I'm not getting a full-tilt stretch cap for this promotion nor am I getting a few free tokens....cough!cough!
In closing, do hope you enjoy and speaking of Whodini.
I played the Wall Street Game last night and I have to say, I lost a buy-in. Yes, I suck that much. It was only 100.00 bucks but as odd as it sounds…a lot happened with those 100.00 bucks.
- Everyone brought their A-Game last night. I’m not saying that people don’t always bring it. Yet, more and more people played their cards and not by emotions. I have to say this was the most solid play that I have experienced at the Wall Street Game. People were laying down when they were beat and didn’t just put in a bit of money to see if they could hit. Sure it was low stakes but that type of solid play makes everyone a better player.
- I got some really good starting hands but the started to fall apart when I would pair and such. Since this was a mixed game I had to lay down some big hands when the turn would pair up and such.
- I read the board wrong once which cost me some money. I think this is what I took most from the WSG last night. Show when you are feeling good about playing. I was happy to be around smart people who had friendly banter, but my mind was in a million places and not on playing solid poker. Of all nights not to be there mentally it sucked because good poker was being played.
- It is funny that one person or two people can change the ebb and flow of a game. Mattie Ebbs wasn’t present last night and he always gets an action game going. This time the pots were good size but not Mattie Ebbs pots by any stretch.
- I saw Jordan from HOP was playing solid poker. I do wish to sit with Jordan sometime for he likes to talk hands out and that helps in me seeing someone else’s thought process, especially someone who switches gears as much as Jordan does.
In closing, although a buy-in was lost to be a bunch of B-Lister’s it was a learning process.
For you who are new to this whole blogging thing there are some funny stories on how people started their blogs. If you have gone to any blogger gathering (except mine because only A-Listers are invited and so you probably weren't invited) you have found most people are good people that are geeks.
In any case, one of my favorite stories is how Irish Jim started blogging. Irish Jim over the years has become kind of a semi-cult figure for our group. One of the nicest guys you will ever meet and he will be in AC on the 15th rumor has it. If you are in the area give him a kid...but still very much a B-Lister.
News Flash! Another famous blogger who likes to grab butts will be in town from the cold tundra up north. Yes, our very own Katitude will be in AC. Wow...Al is going to have to warm up the liver for this visit.
So I go to this .B-Lister's blog to give him some traffic. You know, some of you help old people by taking them in a car to go vote. Me, I go visit B-Lister's blogs so they will get some traffic and feel good about themselves.
But there are times when B-Listers think to themselves. I got a great idea. Let me pretend like I came up with this cool idea for a post. Nuff said. So in this case, Bobby took my idea that I posted way back in December of 06 which basically uses Chinese Astrology.
Once again, nice has been done by The Rooster, and thus why you are a B-Lister, Son.
Let us start with crushing. So none other than Mrs. Tripjax makes an appearance again on this blog. What can I say, that little computer nerd Tripjax pulled a one outter on the river when he got Mrs. Tripjax...nice play, Donkey. Take the girl out two weeks straight to nice dinners sooner or later she is going to let you give her a kiss on the cheek. Lucky Mofo. So here is the latest photo of Mrs. Tripjax.
So all you B-listers there is a chance for you to land a pretty hot thing like this. For if a C-Lister like Tripjax can you.
Moving on.
Now for the cruising part.
Been building the bankroll in some live games and little visits to AC. Since my computer is broken I haven't been able to play online much and can't play Saturdays with Pauly Drama. Thus, I have been chasing the white line for games. Been fun because winning is fun. I have noticed that there are still some bad players out there and some of them have been watching too much T.V. I just sit there and wait and wait for good cards. I know, I know, that sounds boring and it is...but that is what gets the money.
If you are stuck in your game and need a little break may I suggest something to you. Read the following book:
I don't shill for Johnny Hughes but I do think there are a great deal of nuggets in this book to improve your game. Serious, if you need a good break from poker and another way to improve your game read this book. It really isn't a traditional poker book but it does teach you how to be a better player.
We have these things called dichos in Spanish. They are like...little sayings, little riddles, brain twisters, and comedy of ones self which force you to look at yourself.
There are people that speak in great-grandmother is one of those individuals. Not one sentence comes out of their mouth without a dicho. It is hard to understand these people because there are so many riddles in them and their speech. But once you get on board you understand what they are trying to teach you. One of my favorites she taught me was, "Joaquin, they come dressed in velvet but underneath they are wolves."
Read this book and you will learn many little riddles or dichos of the poker world. And just like the dichos my great-grandmother taught me, these will also help with your day to day life and also at the poker table.
“God bless those two little Mexican Men and what they did in the ring.” Joe Speaker via text after the Vazquez v. Marquez III fight.
When a fanatic of everything sport texts you like that...well you know you did just witness a great fight. As we all know, The Rooster can pontificate when it comes to boxing. In this case, I can only say, I was humbled into silence.
The ebbs and flows of this fight and the brutality were close to heart stopping. Come to think of it, my heart did stop a few times. The purest of boxing fans loved the sweet science on display and the ability of each fighter to impose one’s will and game plan, only to have to readjust it to one’s opponents changes. The changes were small such as double jab as opposed to single and only could be seen by the trained eye. But the brutality of the adjustments could be seen by all.
In closing, I can go on and on about this fight. But like I said, I was humbled by these two men willing to give their life for my entertainment. It is yet to be determined what will become of these warriors. I have seen many of a man come out of that ring never to be the same mentally after a brutal battle. I hope that these two men will have their light shine a little longer for the epic trilogy they gave me and us as boxing/sports fans.
Also, if you want to get a wrap of the fight I send you here: NOMAS. The boys at No Mas do a great job in following the Sweet Science. I would also visit their shirt shop for they do have some of the dopest shirts around that you can purchase. These bloggers are NY'ers and have a bit of street cred to them so visit their sight and check out their small movies they make about boxing and also check out their art work. What I like about this site is that they are doing their writing and grinding form the ground up...they have no corporate sponsors or don't come from tons of money. So big shouts to the No Mas crew for keeping it real.
Also, if you want to see some brtual pictures of the fight: Click Here