So Much To Cover
Well first I would like to sent a shout to my homie,
Pauly Drama for cashing out in the 1,500 no-limit event. Also if you are looking for all things dealing with the WSOP I would highly suggest you go hit his blog.
Also, please-please go check out
Truckin which Pauly slaves at putting together with his assistant. There are great writers that might not be listed on Oprah's book club, but I don't think any of these guys want that anyways. In any case, go give it a look.

I'm not sure how to post the above video. But if you just click in the empty square I'm sure you can get the video that everyone is talking about.
Enjoy By Clicking Here.

These shirts are dope and you can purchase them at
No Mas for a small fee. The guy does all the work behind this site on his own so give him some love...that is like one hand in poker for you ballers.
Also, in boxing news. For those of you on the West Coast. My main man, Terry Lane (who by the way does have a blog and plays a lot of stud) is having a major boxing promotion take place. If you have any questions as to this card send them my way and I will pass the questions on to Terry. You can visit here to visit Terry's promotion company,
Lets Get It On Promotions!!
My Chicago Write-Up
Friday fly to Chicago from LaGuardia. Meet F-Train at the gate. Ready to go do this I ask F-Train and he gives me the look of a champion and thumbs-up…very Top Gun moment, but not in the gay way.
Arrive in Chicago and we are the first at Donkey’s pad. What to do. Put bags in Punchers “Office” space with Futon and head down to start drinking. I’m all about the Red Stripe.
I drink a few and the props bet starts. Who is going to arrive first…I ended up winning 10 bucks from those two bets.
Everyone arrives and we are drinking and drinking…break out the Fidel’s (or Cubans) for a smoke. Yes, Donkey holds nothing back when his guests are in town. The conversations start about life, internet ventures and beer. I notice that Iggy told me three hour ago he was really hungry but he’s on the Iggy diet….beer and smokes. He figures to hold on until we go eat meat.
We have reservations with five bottles of wine that we brought..BYOB! We go next door and drink and play some pool why we wait for our table…wow! Cute bartender named Britt gives us good service and plenty of head on our drinks. Bobby Bracelet and The Rooster are the pool champs. Sure Iggy ran the table on us, but we had a three game streak already. After we lost we went to go eat…good food…see my food blog.
Go out drinking to bars where they serve 40oz beers in a bag…cool. Back to Donkey’s place and we stay up drinking…..well Iggy, myself, and Donkey until like 4:30am…everyone else is asleep..I make sure and text them that they are weak.
6:30am The Rooster is up like clock work…lay there for about an hour and crash. Second alarm at 7:45 goes off…Donkey gets mad and yells to turn the shit off. Me, I’m going to shower now. Everyone wakes up and we take off to Wrigley Field.
At Wrigley and I act the tourist and take pictures. Iggy laughs about it and says, we should get some jack to take into the park. I get a pint and ask Speaker to put it in his cool cargo shorts. We sneak it in and keep it in Donkey’s sock.
Good times in the bleachers but it is hot and we are all hung over…I start to get the shakes and not feeling good…same with Donkey…Iggy the other late nighter looks good.
We watch game and starts to rain at the end…cute girls with wet tops…I love Wrigley.
THIS IS IMPORTANT:Iggy is yelling at guys to look up because we are still up stairs…all the guys are over the edge and can’t hear him. I’m a bit drunk with a little beer left. I ask Iggy who is still yelling for their attention. Hey, Iggy-Cakes want me to throw me beer on them? Sure sounds like an idea to get their attention. Go ahead. O.K. you look over the edge when I throw it. I nailed them and Iggy caught the wrath.
We can’t find Mashy for the life of us and we stand there for about 15 min and watch eye candy. Daddy says….lets head to the car. On that trip Iggy and I get the low-down on property value. Mashy is at the car!!
We head to the bar. We drink a bit and I’m laughing because it keeps raining and stopping.
THIS IS IMPORTANT:I see this really super-super drunk girl walking down the street. Daddy tells me to chase her down and I do….actually I run about a block to catch up with the girl…she’s falling all over the place. I felt bad for the girl so made sure she got home o.k. after she jumped out of three cabs and we got caught in this massive rainstorm. Funny thing is that the girls mother called me to thank me for getting the girl home. I guess there had been some instances before. What I did take notice of when we went to McDonalds was that Mexicans work at McDonalds in Chicago also. In any case, good karma points for me!!!! Girl got home safe…but the funny part was Daddy asked me if I got a hummer in the alley…haha! Funny thing is that this girl and I spoke last night and we were recounting the drunken stories and laughing about the whole thing. I guess she did too many car bombs from what she said.
Back to Donkey’s place who just happened to live walking distance from drunk girl…haha!
The cards are in the air and a verbal back and forth start with Grubby and me…he raises…I push after the flop when my Ace hits….I push…Grubby calls and hits a two outer on me. Here is the funny part…Iggy collected the cards so damn fast that I didn’t know I got taken on the river…I was like…wait…what happened…everyone was dead silent. Good hand Donkey.
We head out to the local bars and first one is a crazy redneck bar. I can feel with Daddy’s jokes that a fight will ensue. We head back to a boxing/latin bar…my type of place…several beers later the sun in the bleachers starts to get to people. Some opt out for tomorrow morning drinking.
At the boxing/latin bar a nice pissing contest breaks out. I have to confront my inner demons to hit the boxing machine as hard as I could. I thought there were so many pretty boys out with me that I had to get my dress on…but I’m the only one dressed up so I have to take nice shirt off and wear my wife beater…I tried to throw with my nice shirt for a while but it was a sweaty encounter. I had a good run there throwing with my wife-beater on but to be honest, too many emotions to channel that inner-anger…I look at Speaker and say, I haven’t been there is a long time. I’m done…this is too draining. Speaker understands by the look on my face. Surprise story is Daddy who starts to pound machine after his 60 and he doesn’t want to leave the machine. I think I finished 3rd behind Donkey and Bracelet.
More drinking and the next morning and Donkey’s place smells like “MAN” very sick smell. I’m wondering if stank is going to be gone by the time Mrs. Speaker arrives.
I hang with Garth and Grubby in the Grubs hood for a while. I liked that neighborhood and the bards that it had there. We went to a good bar with good beer and we were just talking and the sleep started to hit me….
Get to airport and with Garth and find out I’m at wrong airport…shuttle to other airport and worried might miss flight…catch flight but it is delayed for weather.
All in all I tried to sum up the weekend here. Yet, to be honest, this trip was really needed for me. I really have wanted to explore options outside of NYC for a while now. I finally got that chance in Chicago. I really liked the city although there aren’t that many brownies like myself…but it is a full-fledged city. I’m looking into opportunities there now and hopefully something will pan out.
Random Chicago Pictures
I had a great weekend in Chicago and just wanted to thank .
DonkyPuncher for making this weekend one to remember. I'm excited for next year when we get the roof top view for the game. Yet, I'm willing to sit in the bleachers again to be honest....for the obvious reasons...nuff said.

There are so many stories behind this picture. I'm not sure where to start. But lets say that some people woke up sore the next morning from hitting this machine all night long. I think we might even have a broken hand or two to add to the list.

The above three pictures were taken in
Grubby's hood in my final hours in Chicago.

Ummmm...nuff said. There will be food pictures from this weekend on my
Food Blog
Joe Speaker shows everyone his major tell. When he starts to pontificate what he's going to bet you if you bet into him that means he has nothing.
I'm not sure what this picture is of I just thought it was a cool statue at the Stadium. Plus, he has all those kids and fans coming out from under him. Harry Caray's inferno. For the record, I know this was the famous announcer for the Cubs.

This is the local band they have playing around the stadium at various parts of the day.

Need I really say more? Nuff said.

This is
Daddy's new wallet that was purchased for him by The Bracelet.

This picture is of our beautiful waitress, Britt. Ummm...need I say more? She was a really sweet girl to all of us so I give her a thumbs up.