Monday, October 01, 2007

The Worm

First, I want to tell everyone who was in Key West that it was great seeing you all. I'm not sure how you all survived but as you seen, The Rooster took it in 3rd gear and for good reason which I might explain one day.

Until then, I want to thank Al Can't Hang for a great weekend and for having me at his summer home. I really liked Key West and it is a shame that I didn't get to tour the city/town a bit more. Maybe next year?

People often ask what happens at these blogger gatherings, Rooster? Well a whole hell of a lot and most of which I can't blog about. Yet, I did want to leave you, my loyal readers with this little bit. The title of this post is, THE WORM and it has nothing to do with the movie Rounders, but instead has to do with a Donkey Puncher from Chicago. For a little insight, this was done in a country bar full of people. You can't see the people in my video but you see all the action you need to see...Check it out...HOLLA!


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger StB said...


At 5:28 PM, Blogger jremotigue said...


I'm dumb.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Donkeypuncher, you are my hero!

And for the others reading this, I have at least 1 other video of DP doing the worm down a LONG ASS hallway in a hotel in Germany.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger The Bracelet said...

He was also wearing the t-shirt that the gay cowboy singer gave him.


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