End Of Contract
So may things to say with such little time. Well people we are seeing the end of The Rooster Consulting gig. Yep, my contract has ended and I’m jobless. First time in many years that I will get to sit back and bug people about how nice it is out in the city during working hours. Too bad my contract ended at the start of winter. This was a good gig but there is a lot of “RESTRUCTURING” (code word for don't renew The Rooster's contract) going on in the group. Yet, I already landed on my two claws (CahCaw! as Marco Colunga would say); I have another interview on Thursday. But that shouldn’t stop you from telling your boss that you have this funny Mexican that can work for him at a premium price. Not Donkey Puncher prices. Nuff said.I wanted to thank all my inter-dweeb friends for your love and support during these times. I will take some time to relax and think it all through and reflect on my last five years with this team. Change is good I tell myself.
Also, some random things that I was thinking about:
- Why doesn’t The Rooster have a syndicated talk show? After all he’s one of the very few A-Listers around.
- I was thinking of having Pauly make me his agent. Serious, I have some ideas for books that I think would sell that he could put together. Hey Pauly...call me from Aussie and we will talk, but don’t call collect. Oh, go over to his blog (click on Pauly on the right side of this blog) to check out updates on the poker action around the world.
Also, check out my new picture on the right compliments of Dr. Pauly. This was taken down in Key West on the Balcony. Thanks Pauly for the picture. There are those pictures that capture one at a time in their life. This is one of them...others...well maybe I will save that for another post.
- Go give a shout to my main man, Derek (look to right on blogroll) on his birthday. Holla!!! Poor-Poor Derek wants Kobe Bryant on the Knicks...The Rooster Consulting Sports arm says that this would be a bad idea.
- Go Read King Al Can’t Hang’s Blog. He’s doing some good stuff over there for the community. Something that Al will never do is brag about because he’s just not like that. But serious people...it takes some time to put these things together. I know he has a crew of good bloggers and friends that help him out with this stuff so let’s all try and win a trip to Aussie Land. I toast my Bud Light Beer to you souls…haha!! I think I just tilted Al with that toast. Here is the banner people:

- I wanted to thank Iggy for not inviting me to his big bash in Cincinnati this weekend. Sure there are only going to be girls all over the place walking in tight shirts and short cut off shorts...that is nothing that I want to see. Not to mention that Iggy has like 5 extra media seats to the event. Thanks Iggy!! By the way, Karma always comes in the form of one’s football team. Nuff said.
- I’m Mexican.
- The Cubs will never win the World Series while I’m alive...sorry DP.
- What happened to Jaxia?
- Daddy likes Chorizo.
- Too Short was one of the greatest rappers of all time.
- I miss Jimmy the Super Fly.
In closing, thanks for paying a visit, Mofo’s. I send you all good vibes and remember that The Rooster is always looking for work.
Working is for schlubs ...
Cubs will win on year 100 of the drought!
You can babysit my kids at the rate of one 10% off coupon for Target each week!
Hope you land at your new job soon.
So now I guess you can quit being such a slappy for the Evil Empire you used to consult for, huh?
If you need the phone number of a real company from within that industry give he a holler.
Kidding, of course.
Sorry to hear that you're jobless but as my best friend Jesus always says, "blah blah blah, doeth, blah blah blah." Which when loosely translated into terms us non-mythologists understand means, "You'll be alright."
I've heard that no matter how high in the air you are when you drop a rooster, he'll always land on his feet.
Long live The Rooster!
Kobe is a rapist!
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